Who are you and your children playing with?

Do your children have Black children and people in their lives? Do you and they have meaningful interactions or friendships with Black people/children? Is your child’s school, diverse? If you do have Black friends, do they talk to you about racism and their experiences with racism—do they feel safe to be their whole selves with you? If not, it’s a surface friendship because racism is an integral part of Black lives. Do you buy Black dolls or books with Black leads for your children? Do you talk about racism in age appropriate ways? Do you read about Black history, slave history, Black academics, poets, fiction? As you go on about your lives, thanking your lucky stars that you are not Black, and your children are safe, think about Jahna Riley’s words. We need you in the revolution, but not like this. You are not ready. Don’t wait until you are affected too. And eventually, you will be affected. #therevolutionishere 


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