Africa in Us

Anyone who practices and has some modicum of talent can learn a dance and be Fire Wid it; but there is something special, extra, soulful, when Black people do it. It’s just, different. Black Brothas and Sistahs dance the Truth. Like Our Black souls in the beginning of Every. Damn. Thing. Our rhythm and blues, Our jazz and be-bop, that hip and that hop, all of it, was and is, born out of Us. From Our Africa. Our African palaces. Our African jungles. The planes and farms. Our lips and hips and boodies and skin—every Lovely, Magnificent shade of Everything that ever was and will be. Like Ebony night and honey Gold. We are Life. And all the Civilizations that We built. With Our Family—aside from many miracles—we will likely never know or meet or see or smell or touch. So We do what We do: Innovate and fashion a surname for Us all. We call it, X.


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