Time to WAKE UP!

I watched the shadow of a rising oligarchy the day trump gave his depressing inaugural speech on January, 20, 2017. I’ve been sounding the alarm to an annoyed and mostly apathetic audience since 2016. So many were not alarmed that it caused me to have moments when I questioned not only what I felt, but what I was witnessing before my very eyes. Always follow your gut. I was not overreacting then, nor am I now. We are in trouble.

Although this is a man with limited intelligence, who is weak and insecure, he has an attorney general and a rising cult—within the government and outside of it—in his pocket. They have their own wicked agendas, however, they will eventually perish along with the rest of us.

he is a nasty virus permeating every governmental agency—from local to federal. No one of us is safe. My words are not hyperbole, I am once again, trying to warn you to pay attention, be vigilant, be courageous, and prepare.

Every action on his and his “ cult’s” part is taken from the authoritarian playbook. his lies—saying one thing and the next day saying he never said it, is intentional, it is meant to have us question ourselves and the truth. his/their distractions are meant to wear us down. As he and others use the power of the presidency to punish enemies and those who don’t fall in line quickly enough or at all, we are meant to be silenced, malleable to his whims and behavior, and in fear of speaking out and standing up for the truth . Every single action is intentional.

I would normally offer the aside, “I don’t mean to frighten you,” but I hope I do. This is no time for me to “act normally” (I have literally never been normal) and be quiet, so that I “fit in,” (I have literally never fit in). I could care less if any of you think that I sound crazy or am overreaching;” I would rather sound the alarm and die trying, than wither back to the dirt, in fear and apathy.

I implore you to use your voices, your art, your minds, and your bodies to face and stand up against this authoritarian administration. I am asking you to WAKE UP. RIGHT NOW.


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