Maybe Both

I saw this documentary recently and it had all these elderly women who never got married or had kids and they were so happy and fulfilled. One said that not every woman is meant to get married and have children and that's okay, and that she was so happy with the way her life turned out. Hearing this 95 year old woman say those words gave new peace. A comfort washed over me. I asked myself why I felt I wanted those experiences...? Did I feel I needed them? Where did those yearnings come from? Society? Or from a deep and natural place within myself? Maybe both.

I feel more at peace with my life as it is and super grateful too. I just want to always make sure I have that balance of not being content where I am when I could be doing more. But for now, in that area of my life, there's nothing more I want to do. I feel content and at peace with myself.


  1. Good post!!!! Content is the answer-God sees the big picture and us humans only see us! Love ya! Donna


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