
The Roman emperor, Constantine, created Christianity as a means to control the people. It’s all about control. Power. Greed. God is not a singular, lone, male entity. God is not jealous. God is not angry. God is our collective consciousness. Death does not exist. There is nothing to fear. We had life before this life , and we will have life after this one is complete.

We are meant to evolve, make different, healthier, healing, loveFull choices. To ascend. We are not meant to stay stagnant & afraid. Change is imperative, & it is good. 

We are meant to love & take good care of ourselves. We are then to go forth & live our lives, pursuing our passions, goals, dreams. We are to be of service to, & be helpful to one another. Take care of ourselves And each other. We are to take are of our planet—the Earth, the fauna and flora, the animals, And the insects. Our planet is conscious. Everything is a part of the collective consciousness. EVERYTHING. Not just on this planet, but the other planets & universes & spirits/entities/souls that never lived, the souls that once lived, housed in a body. 

We are to be kind, compassionate, patient, helpful to each other to ourselves & each other. Empathetic to those who are struggling around us. We are Meant to fight injustice & cruelty, racism, sexism, lgbtqia+ hate, xenophobia, authoritarianism. We are to protect the vulnerable. Be brave. 

We are not meant to struggle, kill ourselves working, go hungry, live in lack.  All the struggles we have faced & continue to face is BY DESIGN. Intentional. In TRUTH, there is enough resources for every one of us. 

But, there is evil. You can call it demons, devils, Satan; and there are people who choose to serve, evil. They are Low vibrational entities [& people] that thrive on our fear & pain & rage. Do not be afraid, we are INFINITELY STRONGER. COLLECTIVELY. They are not a part of the collective consciousness, or God. Do not be afraid. 

Think. Remember. We have purposely been made to forget the truth. Remember. Ask questions. Seek answers. Why would a religion created by a Roman emperor, that evolved into #catholicism & all the other offshoots of Christianity, go into, most All non-European, indigenous lands, where peoples practiced their own spiritualities, teach them that, if they do not get saved or practice the catholic/Christian doctrine, that they will burn in hell, or live in purgatory. Why do you think there would be such organized, intentional, millennia’s long campaign to convert all humxns, to Christianity. Strip these lands & peoples of their resources, their spiritualities, their communal living, invent money, individualism (mine, mine, it’s mine, your not my problem, me, me, me), capitalism; a male god, singular entity, who had a son sent to us, to save us from hell (Patriarchy)? 

Power. Control. Wealth.

Think. Remember. Do not be afraid. Be good to yourselves, be kind to each other. 


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