American Made

A guest stated on the January 5th episode of Deadline White House with Nicolle Wallace, on MSNBC (I’ve heard the same on other news programs), that the reason for trump’s corrupt and desperate explosion on the now infamous leaked call, was due to his stupidity. In fact, trump is devoid of the intellectual capacity his race and wealth made available to him. His education was bought and his white privilege told him, as it does to so many others, that he was, and is, entitled to whatever he wants—whether he worked for it or not. In fact, the result of his criminal behavior is in small part due to his intellectual capacities, but is, in large part, due to his being emboldened as a result of American policy and laws, systemic racism, white supremacy, soft-footed journalism, and a Congress and Justice Department that picks and chooses whom they hold accountable for crimes—sometimes, like thousands of Kalief Browders and Sandra Blands, whether they are innocent or not—and whom they do not. 

He and his emboldenment exist due to willfully ignorant complicity and the defensive shutting down of any explicit and/or experiential talks on racism and white supremacy. Our laughing it off created this Yeti, or the creature’s avalanche. Our silence makes trump and mcconnell and cruz and graham and all the rest possible. 

Again, if we do not begin calling this country what it has been and what it still is, we and this land will know no change; in fact, it will be destroyed—-along with the entire Earth. I hope you hear me. I hope we hear each other. - Erika L. Ganier 


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