Power to the People

 I know this is a scary time, an immensely stressful time, foreboding moment after foreboding moment. Financial, medical, and emotional distress. Four years of accelerating cruel, criminal, unconscionable wrongs, all culminating to, what? We don’t know, what, which increases our anxiety and fears. In spite of writing for ages, sometimes panicking (“Wake up, people!!”) about this administration’s burgeoning autocracy, I am no more  prepared for this time in hisherstory, than anyone else. All these years I knew this was coming, and I am no more processed than anyone else. 

I am writing tonight to tell you not to cower in fear. To not surrender your power. This wicked administration would have you believe that you have none. This is a lie. A con. 

I am volunteering with the NAACP on Tuesday as a poll watcher—I had training today. I am nervous, but absolute in my power to fight, to do my part. We all have our jobs in this revolution. I am almost certain to expect mass violence next week and beyond. This “president” is petrified and unhinged in his goal of authoritarianism and Further destruction. And he is afraid. People who act in fear are dangerous. He and his administration have proven to us they are indeed, very dangerous. 

So, I ask you to ask your God, what is your role in this revolution? Ask to be guided in It’s (God’s) wisdom and will. To give you courage and resilience. We are in a fight for freedom, love, justice, peace, and our very lives. Be brave. Be the love we crave in this country—the love that never quite was. And fight the power with all your might. 

Peace and goodnight. 🤎✊🏽


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