Pap Smear: Why Do We Have To Be A Thing?
I am going to divulge something personal, something that exists quietly within the confines of my mind: I am petrified of getting pap smears. I mean panic attack, hyperventilating, fear-induced anxiety. From the age of 19, I attempted, time and time again, to get a pap smear: "Oh my God! Oh my God! No! No! No! No! No! Wait! Wait! Wait! IT'S HURTS!!! STOOOOOP!!!! I can't do it!!! I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. I don't mean to be this way. I was molested my whole childhood. I'm so sorry." And the doctor responses were as follows: "I am not hurting you." "Be still!" "I can't work this way." "You are not being molested now!" I felt ashamed of myself. I felt like a freak. I had self-judgmental thoughts of why I could barely put a tampon in me and why I couldn't withstand a pap smear like every other adult woman in the world. Finally, at the age of 35, with my sister-friend Jasmine holding my hand, I had my first pap smear. That day, with tears pouring from my eyes, I thanked my sister and the nurse practitioner who was patient and gentle enough to perform that initial pap smear. Thank you.
Back in January of 2014, I was diagnosed with Uterine cancer and subsequently had to have a full abdominal hysterectomy (I am still paying the hot flash price to this day. Sucks.). Since the hysterectomy, I have had two pap smears, but I have not had one since 2015. And I am afraid, once again, to have a metal clamp unceremoniously pushed up my vagina. If my finger accidentally hits the hole during masturbation, I scream in pain. It's a whole Thing. But I do eventually need to get that Pap smear...
I don't want to go backwards within my pap smear narrative... But...I genuinely have great anxiety about the whole affair. No longer so quietly within the confines of my mind.
Back in January of 2014, I was diagnosed with Uterine cancer and subsequently had to have a full abdominal hysterectomy (I am still paying the hot flash price to this day. Sucks.). Since the hysterectomy, I have had two pap smears, but I have not had one since 2015. And I am afraid, once again, to have a metal clamp unceremoniously pushed up my vagina. If my finger accidentally hits the hole during masturbation, I scream in pain. It's a whole Thing. But I do eventually need to get that Pap smear...
I don't want to go backwards within my pap smear narrative... But...I genuinely have great anxiety about the whole affair. No longer so quietly within the confines of my mind.
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