A Never Ending Story
I wanted it 'Now'
So easy
So smooth to the touch
So easy
So smooth to the touch
Love me
When I'm not easy to grasp hold of,
To secure in your thoughts,
To understand...
I am not so simple
So easy...
I am an abstract in motion
As my feelings and thoughts
Trip over each other
In an attempt
To say the right things
At the right time
In a safe place
Where answers do not exist
Of an everlasting
When I'm not easy to grasp hold of,
To secure in your thoughts,
To understand...
I am not so simple
So easy...
I am an abstract in motion
As my feelings and thoughts
Trip over each other
In an attempt
To say the right things
At the right time
In a safe place
Where answers do not exist
Of an everlasting
This is my truth:
I am nearer to Thee
Than I have ever been
My love
My God
I am ever so close to the edge
Of my truth
I am me.
And I am love.
By Erika L. Ganier
Erika is Love in Los Angeles
I am nearer to Thee
Than I have ever been
My love
My God
I am ever so close to the edge
Of my truth
I am me.
And I am love.
By Erika L. Ganier
Erika is Love in Los Angeles
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