I Am Not A Loner
I read the status' on Facebook and other social media outlets and I realize that people have plans. Everyone has something planned for their Friday night's and weekends and when their plans fall through they are disappointed to be left alone with themselves.
Where I never felt awkward before, I'm feeling awkward now. I'm feeling like I need to have plans and I need to do said plans with someone. I never felt self conscious about doing things alone, living alone, being alone. But the more I read social media updates and each time a neighbour asks me why they've never seen me dating anyone the last 5 years I've lived here the more self conscious I become.
And I'm not loner. I make plans/do things with friends - just not often. I'm not purposely being alone. But I do feel that I need to put more action into not being alone. I do enjoy my company and also enjoy the company of others very much. It's just that sometimes it's hard to figure things out on my own...
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