She’s Your Mate

     When you're not feeding the dogs or preparing lunch or laughing with a neighbour or chatting on the phone with you're sister or watching t.v. or reading a book or speaking with a client you feel things.
     And when she gets home you talk to her. You show her you're cut—the cut you cannot look at. The scar that runs from your belly button down to your vagina. It hurts and it is  not pretty. She reaches to touch it gently, she kneels down to kiss the scar softly.
     You tell her that you have moments where you don't know what you're feeling and then there are times when this kind of grief silently lingers. "They're gone and I feel sad about that and I don't know why.” And you cry at that moment and she rubs your back slowly.
     You tell her everything you feel when you're not doing things and she listens and holds you close and you feel safe and comforted. You don't feel alone in it all because you have one special person to confide in, who is yours. She's your mate.

Erika L. Ganier


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