Quanecia Looks Up to Breonna (The Ancestors Are Watching)
Do you hear that, Quanecia? You hear that, don’t you? It sounds like foreboding footsteps, but really it’s the wind at the feet of the Ancestors. They’re coming for us, Quanecia. But don’t you be afraid, they mean us no harm. They have only love for us. The kind of love that has you gladly and bravely stand between you and the bullet that means to kill, Breonna.
Who’s Breonna?
Now you know I done told you before who Breonna is. She lives up the block. Lived up the block, with her Mama, Miss Tanika, and that pistol of an Auntee, Miss Lynnie. I told you.
Oh. I don’t remember.
Weeeell, then you need to listen to me a little bit better, chile.
I do, Mama! Uugh..
Uugh my butt, girl. (beat) Anyway, that Breonna was some smart. She was training to be a nurse. She was a kindhearted, young womxn, too. She was gonna do great things that brought her soul so much joy and helped so many people in the process. God bless, Miss Tanika’s heart; she really going through it. I mean it, Quanecia. There’s a heavy film of sadness over there, in that house up the street.
Mama, what about the Ancestors??
Oh right. The Ancestors. Well, I guess they made me think of Breonna. It just occurred to me that She is now an Ancestor. Why She gotta be an Ancestor at the age of 26? That ain’t even right. Makes my heart hurt, some bad...
Yes, baby?
I wanna be like Breonna.
What you mean by that???
Well...I wanna be happy, and I wanna help people while I’m feelin’ happy.
Oh. Well, yes indeed, that would be right nice, Quanecia. You make me real proud; you have those qualities like Breonna. (beat) All right now, no more chattin’, let’s finish baking these pies for Miss Tanika.
Okay, Mama. (beat) Mama, you heard that? Ancestors?
Yep. They always looking out for us, and sometimes they gots to cause a raucous; ain’t no getting around it. Tomorrow, at the protest, we will be causing our own raucous. And meanwhile, the Ancestors will work through us to exact change. Yes, indeed; sometimes we gots to cause a big ole raucous, baby. You understand me?
Yes, Mama, I understand.
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