World AIDS Day

Back in the 90s I watched as many of my friends, family, and co-workers began to wither away as their bodies were being ravaged by AIDS. I recall cleaning up throw-up, funerals, and turning to say something to Daniel, only to be met with an empty seat. So many empty seats... A seemingly never ending cloud of despair and panic hovered over the Crescent City. Our weekends dancing and drinking and making out at The Bourbon Pub and Parade or The Monster Bar, unbeknownst to us, would soon turn into bittersweet memories of a time that will never again be; the waning sound of Deep House and Buffalo Stance and laughter disappearing through the cracks in the floor boards and ceiling—their bodies were no more. However, their souls are welcomed ghosts whom I gladly allow to haunt my heart. I remember the times.


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