Expose The Truth
Recently I was having a conversation with a friend and he said, matter of factly, that his father, being a very fair Hispanic with light eyes, didn't belong working manual type work, but that he had no choice. So manual work is for dark people/Hispanics with dark eyes? I'm always grateful when people slip up and tell how they really think. It's no secret that colorism exists in every race. You've got people in Africa, Asia, South America, India, etc...applying bleaching creams to their faces in order to achieve a lighter complexion, and it all stems from the FACT that the African/black race is seen as the lowest race. Sadly, the idea that "white is right and black is wack" permeates throughout this earth. Even unconsciously. I know that people think oh I have a black friend, I'm not racist; but some of the most racist ideas have come out of the mouths of friends. I post about race issues not to divide but to expose the truth that for so long has been suppressed. How are we going to move forward in a more inclusive, equal direction if we don't know our history and expose the truth? We can't move forward with our heads in the sand pretending that nothing is wrong.
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