We look Deeper than into each other’s eyes in through to the soul Deeper into the Center of our Cells no words just Breath Closer Closer
I look down to where her Hand Rests on my waist I Feel Her hand lift my chin to meet Her Eyes Breath Closer. I feel our Kiss Soft Slow I want to See Our Kiss Feel her Fingernails as they Travel Down the back left side of My Neck Shiver a rush of My Blood Racing through My Veins we are on Fire and Burning each other up Closer BeatBeat BeatBeat I feel her heart My heart is racing Smooth and Flushed our skin is soft Closer We are Touching Smashing into each other Colliding through each other Touching and Breath and Nails and Lips and Fire Our eyes I don't want to close my eyes Fast and Slow we fall into each others Hearts and Intertwined we Open our Trusting eyes. Closer.
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